
ул. Островского, 93А


тел/факс: +7(473) 260-52-06
тел/моб.: +7-910-240-25-25
e-mail: nta@newtechagro.ru
Отдел запчастей: +7-915-541-56-16
e-mail: 1@agrotop.ru
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Английский вариант

JSC Newtechagro ®  Company was founded in order to provide the agricultural sector with modern hi-tech facilities for the agriculture as well as with the navigation systems that allow to get a precise control of the agricultural equipment.

JSC Newtechagro ® Company is an agricultural equipment and spare parts supplier. The company also provides the following services:

•  Customer consulting – it is the first step of building the relationships with the customers. Our specialists clarify the Customer’s needs, which enables us to find best suitable equipment, production technology, vendor company, delivery options, etc.

•   Service – start-up and warranty work are parts of the goods sold. They create an addition for the equipment and the customer gets not only the machines but also a package of additional services that prepare the equipment for work before the first start and during the whole warranty period. The Company also performs repair work, defect identification and routine maintenance.

•  Fulfillment of formalities, connected with contract execution and implementation (communication with vendors and transport operators, control of the proper contract terms and conditions execution, payments control, etc.).

•  Equipment delivery to the customer (search for optimal delivery options, logistics company, control of the delivery process).

•  Selection of funding options that will make investing in equipment affordable to the customer.

Services listed above play a double role. On one hand they serve as corroboration for the goods sold, which makes them important in promoting the goods. On the other hand they can appear as separately offered services.

The responsibility we take for the equipment enables us to keep our relations with customers as well as develop them in a mutually beneficial way on the grounds of integrity and stability.

Development of our customers’ agricultural equipment has proved it in practice to be economically effective which has lead to economic growth.

Our corporate policy is well-known: we necessarily provide warranty and postwarranty service (connected with repairs, supply and replacement of spare parts and fast wearing working parts).

While there has been a deficit and irregularity in spare parts supply, our company has created a department of scheduled deliveries for our customers.

Newtechagro ® is a registered trademark and has participated in regional, national and international exhibitions: Agrosalon, Golden Autuum, Agritechnica, Eima, Fima Sima, KrasnodarExpo, Interagro Animed Volga Farmer).

Newtechagro ® Group of Companies successfully employs more than 30 people: sales representatives, spare parts salesmen, brand-managers of several categories, journalists, advertising department, exhibitions and seminars department. Our employees make up a team of creative and smart people.

Newtechagro has developed several business-lines:

Agriculture equipment supply – potato equipment, vegetable machines, specialized machines for certain vegetable crops (garlic, pumpkin) and traditional grain equipment, as well as machines for cultivated crops.

Newtechagro is a honorary member Vegetables manufacturers’ association “Nash Chesnok” (www.chesnok.pro) and Contemporary meliorators’ Association (www.meliorator.pro).

Newtechagro is a registered trademark since 2005. Newtechagro Company is an expert in modern agro technology and hi-tech agro equipment, including cattle breeding (JF Stoll, Murska), mills for grain crushing and arm loading. We sell new machines as well as the used ones. Along with the traditional equipment for grain and cultivated crops, our company offers Russian agricultural market modern technologies for garlic cultivating (www.chesnok.info  – JJBroch machines for planting and garlic harvest) and pumpkin cultivation (pumpkin-harvest machines Moty www.pumpkin.su).

Modern potato harvest equipment (combines, planters).

We also offer logistics facilities Hawe Wester for grain (and other crops) transporting, efficient reload augers manufactured by CanAgro.

For dry regions and vegetable farms Newtechagro offers irrigation systems (rotary irrigation systems, drip systems, pivot irrigation) from Ocmis Irrigation, RKD, Netafim -  www.aquaspray.ru

Speaking about modern agriculture, precision agriculture techniques should be mentioned. They are: GPC copilot systems, yield mapping systems, croplands monitoring – Trimble (www.agromonitoring.ru).

The responsibility we take for the equipment enables us to keep our relations with customers as well as develop them in a mutually beneficial way on the grounds of integrity and stability. On-time delivery of spare parts also works for establishing better relations with customers. The services we provide – start-up and warranty work are parts of the goods sold. The create an addition for the equipment and the customer gets not only the machines but also a package of additional services that prepare the equipment for work before the first start and during the whole warranty period. The Company also performs repair work, defect identification and routine maintenance (www.agrozip.ru  – service and spare parts order as well utilities for agricultural machines).

Contact us:
www.agro.ag  – Science and practice in agrobusiness
AGRO.AG – Collaboration with agricultural universities, students and graduates with agrarian majors. Jobs for agrarian students, regional vacancies.
Agricultural web-site www.agrohit.ru
AGROHIT.RU - agricultural web-site
Buy/sell of used agricultural equipment, agro products, fruits, vegetables, crops.
Free advertisement. Free business registration.
www.agrohit.ru  Russian agricultural web-portal.

The magazine of agriculture is distributed throughout Russian Federation. You can post your advertisements, articles and announcements in the magazine. We will provide you with a flawless translation, style and design.

You will be able to draw new customers and find new opportunities for your business in Russia.

Contact us.
31 A Konstruktorov Street
Phone: +7(4732)60 52 06

АгроПоиск - аграрная поисковая система Бесплатный анализ сайта Рейтинг@Mail.ru Яндекс.Метрика
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